Posts Tagged ‘how do i fulfill my destiny’


The Price of Destiny – Will You Pay It?

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

Nuggets from – “For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny”

To obtain your Destiny, you must fully accept all that is required of you. To whatever degree you are not willing to embrace the responsibilities that are set before you, will be the degree you will struggle – jeopardizing your future. However, when you settle in your heart the price you must pay, it will enable you to deal with the challenges that come to test your resolve. You are no longer surprised when the storms come or when others say you cannot fulfill your dream. You will continue to press because you have embraced the vision and the process for fulfilling it. Your determination will be unshakable and your heart unmovable. You have to make up your mind and go for it.

Paying the price for Destiny is much like going to a very nice and expensive restaurant. After having a nice meal you really do not mind paying the bill, regardless of the cost. In fact, if the meal and service was good enough you will even give a big tip. Well, Destiny tastes good to the soul and is worth every penny both, financial and emotional to partake of it.

Once it is in you, it will begin to shine out of you. People will look and notice something different about your walk. They will hear something different in your talk. They might be so bold as to ask you; “Have you been eating at Destiny Cafe?” Then you will smile and proudly say; “Yes, I have.” 

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Fads, Trends & Foolishness – Part II

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

Nuggets from – “For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny”

Fads and trends are tools of manipulation and forms of brainwashing. You have to take control of your life or the world around you will do it for you, but with no regard for you or your Destiny. The world even manipulates those in “High Society,” to play the fad and trend game. The famous red carpet seen prior to some award shows has nothing to do with honoring those nominated. It is all about marketing and making money, which is their bottom line.

The fashion industry goes crazy trying to get the right tuxedo or dress on the right actor or actress – knowing that some sucker will want to buy it after they have worn it once. Moreover, most of the nominees and presenters get goody bags worth thousands of dollars. They are packed with products for them to wear and show, as they happen to be out for their morning coffee, bagel or whatever else. The public sees these items and cannot stop talking about what they saw and how to get one.

It does not matter that the celebrities did not buy the stuff themselves. Nor does it matter how much it cost or that the manufacturer made thousands of the same product – knowing that once exposed, the public will scramble to buy it. However, none of this matters because millions of people have been conditioned to respond this way to the, “latest and greatest” regardless of how ridiculous or expensive it may be. Trust me; this is the oldest con in the book – a trap that takes more than just your money but also your soul (uniqueness).

Side Note: There is nothing wrong with admiring your favorite celebrities. However, do not just admire but also be inspired. Too often, people do not use their admiration of another person’s success as inspiration to obtain their own success. They remain spectators in the game of life instead of players.

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Fads, Trends & Foolishness – Part I

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

Nuggets from – “For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny”

Too often, people follow fads and trends with no understanding of what it all means. They work hard to fit into social cliques that have nothing to do with their Destiny. As a result, they allow the world around them to tell them who they are and how they should live – becoming something that is far beneath their potential. The price for this social acceptance is their uniqueness. This is why I say often; why settle for being a carbon copy when you were created to be an original?

The hairstyles, tattoos, body piercings, and baggy pants drooping below the butt are not marks of uniqueness but of conformity. In addition, the only illogical reason for anyone to start smoking is to fit into a group or to appear cool – regardless of the fact that it can cause cancer and early death. Unfortunately, many people rather conform instead of being transformed, by the renewing of their minds. Conformity is only possible when an individual does not know, who they are and where they are going in life.

Just because something has been done for a long time, does not mean we should continue to do it or that it is right. At one time, slavery was acceptable but it was never right. Chasing fads and trends can cost you your Destiny. Therefore, you must learn to appreciate your uniqueness and value what you bring to the world, instead of chasing people or things that you deem valuable. Below are some key words you need to understand:

Unique = existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics. Having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable; not typical; unusual. –

Original = new; fresh; inventive. An original work, writing, or the like, as opposed to any copy or imitation. A person whose way of thinking or acting is original. –

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Check Your Environment – Part II

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

Nuggets from – “For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny”

Violate the design [for your life] and you forfeit the benefits contained therein. Again, just because we have the right to choose does not mean that every choice is right. For example, married couples who agree to have sex with other married couples are called “Swingers.” Although this lifestyle is consensual and accepted by many, it is still adultery and therefore wrong. The only swinging I’m doing is on a playground with my daughter. Don’t ever get it twisted!

Swingers = a person who indulges in promiscuous sex. A person who engages in the exchanging of spouses for sexual activities (that’s nasty), emphasis added  –

Adultery = voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse. A violation or breach of a lawful marriage. –

Being a drug dealer, gang member, homosexual or prostitute are lifestyle choices. However, none of us were destined to participate in these kinds of activities. Therefore, since these activities are lifestyle choices, I have the right to either accept them or reject them and so do you. In addition, these lifestyles should never be, celebrated or supported by the government or taxpayers’ money.

You may be wondering; what any of this has to do with fulfilling one’s Destiny? It is another drastic example of how a negative or positive environment can alter your thinking, your actions, and ultimately your Destiny.

Every major and some minor decision you make determines what happens next in your life. For every action, there is a reaction. The reaction then creates another reaction, resulting in a chain-reaction, or series of events from just one decision. Destiny requires that you make the right decisions at the right moments in order to fulfill it. You must pause at every fork in the road of life and make the right choice. Your Destiny (future) depends on what you do today.

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Check Your Environment – Part I

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

Nuggets from – “For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny”

Environment = the complex of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual or community. –

Birds of a feather will always flock together, because it naturally creates a support system for that particular lifestyle. This can be either good or bad, depending on what those you associate with are doing with their lives. They will either hinder you or help you accomplish your Destiny. If those you hang with the most accept you for where and who you are right now, then you will not change. It is only when those closest to you or the severity of your circumstances push you to change, will you make the choice to change. This is why homosexuality continues to run rampant in the United States and many parts of the world. However, when you stop to define what the above word means, you will see that those who participate in that lifestyle are walking contradictions:

Homosexuality = sexual (erotic) orientation, activity (lifestyle) or attraction between persons of the same sex. –

Therefore, by the above definition we can conclude that there is something fundamentally wrong with this way of living. For example, if a man is a homosexual then by the above definition he should be attracted to another man, i.e. someone who speaks, acts, and dresses like a man. The same should hold true for women who are lesbians. If this is true then why are homosexual men speaking, acting and sometimes dressing like women? If a lesbian woman is supposed to be attracted to a woman then why are some speaking, acting, and dressing like men? Moreover, there is no medical or scientific proof that a person is “born this way.” In fact, their birth certificate will say either boy or girl – not “Alternative Lifestyle.” Therefore, alternative is just that, an alternative to the original, which will always be second best.

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Get Your Mind Right

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

Nuggets from – “For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny”

Until your mind (way of thinking and seeing life) and your soul (way of living – character) gets free, you can never be free. You will continue the destructive cycle that has been laid out for you, by a society that cares nothing for you. Your only value to them is their bottom line – money. This is why you must find the reason for which you were created, and its significance for the time in which you live. What contribution(s) are you meant to make in the world before your time runs out?

If one thing is true then the opposite must also be true. For example, if you are a non-smoker then by your lifestyle you are saying that you do not agree with smoking. A non-drug user is saying by their lifestyle that they do not agree with using drugs. And the list goes on. My point is this; knowing your purpose requires taking a stand for what you were put on this earth to accomplish. In addition, you must be willing to stand out (be different) from the crowd. No one can stop you, once your mind is set to fulfill your Destiny.

It is like this; everyone has the right to do what he or she wants, within the confines of the law. However, there are those gray areas of life that are not regulated by laws. Therefore, it is important to know that although you have a right to choose, does not mean that every choice is right. Moreover, with every right or privilege comes a responsibility to do what is right.

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Determine Your Worth

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

Nuggets from – “For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny”

When I thought of writing my first book – “Chapter One: A Modern Day Testimony,” I had to see the value of my life before and during the writing process. There were many times I thought to myself, “Who would want to read about my life?” I had to find value in my experiences and believe they would encourage others who read them. This kept me focused and determined to finish what I started. In addition, if I did not write the first book then chances are I never would have written my second book – leading up to this book, which is number seven.

Do you believe that what is in you has great potential to affect positive change, in the lives of those around you? You have to see it and settle it or not much in your life will change to manifest your desires. However, even if you keep things the same in your life, the world around you will continue to change. Until you get a clear vision for your life, the world around you will continue to sway you, resulting in the worst kind of “Identity Crisis.” We all go through some form of identity crisis on the road of discovering our true self. We all want attention and acceptance.

However, what price are you willing to pay for it? Most of the time; the price is too high. In addition, because so many people do not know their self-worth, they spend most of their life pursuing material things, instead of pursuing their Destiny. They think that their self-worth will increase along with the accumulation of things. The world has trained us to pursue money and things rather than our Destiny. However, if you pursue your Destiny the money and things will come.

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The Purpose of Destiny

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

Nuggets from – “For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny”

Success seems to be, reserved for those who are willing to do almost anything to obtain it. Greedy ambitions stir the hearts and minds of millions to achieve this seemingly, impossible ambition with the hope that at the end of it all, they will be happy. However, they get to the end of all their toil, only to discover that their millions of dollars have not purchased them happiness but more misery. Their message and mission was all about themselves and making money – missing the mark of why success granted them access. They missed that it was given to them to help others:

Destiny = something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; lot or fortune. The power or agency that determines the course of events. –

Purpose = the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal – determination; resoluteness. –

Benevolence = desire to do good to others; goodwill; charitableness. An act of kindness; a charitable gift. –

The purpose of Destiny is to solve real problems and needs in the lives of others. There are people waiting for what you have. Life is not about how much we can get but about how much we can give.

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Vision is Everything and Reality is Nothing

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

So much of what we see is subject to change and if given enough time, it will. However, what you see in your mind is more real than what you perceive with your five senses. There is nothing created by people that did not first start in someone’s mind as an idea or vision. Moving from recognizing what is in you to carrying it out requires having a vision. Your Destiny has to be clear in your mind if you are to fulfill it. If you cannot see where you want to go in life then it will be impossible to get there. You must have a vision of Destiny. Moreover, you have to make sure you picked the right vision. If you pick the wrong vision then you will pay a heavy price to accomplish that vision, versus the right one. You do not want to spend your life doing something that is not in line with your Destiny. Chances are you are already doing that.

Having a vision is crucial for a successful life. It gives your life direction and focus. It also reveals what it will take (cost) to get there. Having a vision will guide, guard and govern your life when you embrace it. Even those who fall on “hard times” will need a vision in order to move from despair to Destiny. This is why every parent should instill in their children an understanding of Destiny and purpose for their life. Moreover, a parent’s job is not finished until their child or children are mature enough to make intelligent and positive decisions, while accepting full responsibility when they do not. This does not come automatically when they turn 18. Part of my success today is due to what my parents taught me as a child.

Some believe that the answer for helping young people stay out of trouble is to create more programs. When I was growing up, we did not have recreation centers or programs to occupy our time. We used our imagination and the guidance of our parents to occupy our time. Young people do not need more programs to occupy their time. They simply need more vision. Unfortunately, most of us were not encouraged to follow our dreams or passions as children. Instead, we were told to get a job.

In addition, society has taught us to pursue money when we really should pursue our Destiny. Everything you need to succeed is already in you. It is like my daughter, who cannot read or write yet. However, the ability to do so is already in her. This is why she goes to school to learn and to bring out her natural abilities. Her mind is made to receive information and to comprehend (process) that information – enabling her to grow in her abilities. With time, she will not only learn how to read and write, but will master it.

In this natural process of learning, she will discover her own uniqueness. Throughout the years, her teachers and her mother and I will celebrate and encourage her to be her best. This is what our young people need today. They need adults in their lives who believe in them, adults who will take time to encourage and help them discover their true potential – Destiny. This is the key to their success and the future of the world. Unfortunately, the world classifies people based upon one of the following categories:

The Poor are typically those with or without a job and are barely making it financially. They work hard but have very little to show for their efforts. Life for them is a daily struggle with no end in sight.

The Middle Class are typically those with a career (professionals) and are doing okay financially. They are able to pay all their bills and live comfortably with a little money left over to save or take a vacation, every two years or so.

The Rich are typically those with a dream that employ the poor and middle class to fulfill that dream. They are doing very well financially with more than enough to meet their financial and material needs and the lives of those around them.

Which of these categories have you allowed society to label you? 

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