Archive for June, 2010


Check Your Environment – Part I

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

Nuggets from – “For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny”

Environment = the complex of social and cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual or community. –

Birds of a feather will always flock together, because it naturally creates a support system for that particular lifestyle. This can be either good or bad, depending on what those you associate with are doing with their lives. They will either hinder you or help you accomplish your Destiny. If those you hang with the most accept you for where and who you are right now, then you will not change. It is only when those closest to you or the severity of your circumstances push you to change, will you make the choice to change. This is why homosexuality continues to run rampant in the United States and many parts of the world. However, when you stop to define what the above word means, you will see that those who participate in that lifestyle are walking contradictions:

Homosexuality = sexual (erotic) orientation, activity (lifestyle) or attraction between persons of the same sex. –

Therefore, by the above definition we can conclude that there is something fundamentally wrong with this way of living. For example, if a man is a homosexual then by the above definition he should be attracted to another man, i.e. someone who speaks, acts, and dresses like a man. The same should hold true for women who are lesbians. If this is true then why are homosexual men speaking, acting and sometimes dressing like women? If a lesbian woman is supposed to be attracted to a woman then why are some speaking, acting, and dressing like men? Moreover, there is no medical or scientific proof that a person is “born this way.” In fact, their birth certificate will say either boy or girl – not “Alternative Lifestyle.” Therefore, alternative is just that, an alternative to the original, which will always be second best.

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Get Your Mind Right

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

Nuggets from – “For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny”

Until your mind (way of thinking and seeing life) and your soul (way of living – character) gets free, you can never be free. You will continue the destructive cycle that has been laid out for you, by a society that cares nothing for you. Your only value to them is their bottom line – money. This is why you must find the reason for which you were created, and its significance for the time in which you live. What contribution(s) are you meant to make in the world before your time runs out?

If one thing is true then the opposite must also be true. For example, if you are a non-smoker then by your lifestyle you are saying that you do not agree with smoking. A non-drug user is saying by their lifestyle that they do not agree with using drugs. And the list goes on. My point is this; knowing your purpose requires taking a stand for what you were put on this earth to accomplish. In addition, you must be willing to stand out (be different) from the crowd. No one can stop you, once your mind is set to fulfill your Destiny.

It is like this; everyone has the right to do what he or she wants, within the confines of the law. However, there are those gray areas of life that are not regulated by laws. Therefore, it is important to know that although you have a right to choose, does not mean that every choice is right. Moreover, with every right or privilege comes a responsibility to do what is right.

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Determine Your Worth

   Posted by: Jimason    in General

Nuggets from – “For Adults Only: Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny”

When I thought of writing my first book – “Chapter One: A Modern Day Testimony,” I had to see the value of my life before and during the writing process. There were many times I thought to myself, “Who would want to read about my life?” I had to find value in my experiences and believe they would encourage others who read them. This kept me focused and determined to finish what I started. In addition, if I did not write the first book then chances are I never would have written my second book – leading up to this book, which is number seven.

Do you believe that what is in you has great potential to affect positive change, in the lives of those around you? You have to see it and settle it or not much in your life will change to manifest your desires. However, even if you keep things the same in your life, the world around you will continue to change. Until you get a clear vision for your life, the world around you will continue to sway you, resulting in the worst kind of “Identity Crisis.” We all go through some form of identity crisis on the road of discovering our true self. We all want attention and acceptance.

However, what price are you willing to pay for it? Most of the time; the price is too high. In addition, because so many people do not know their self-worth, they spend most of their life pursuing material things, instead of pursuing their Destiny. They think that their self-worth will increase along with the accumulation of things. The world has trained us to pursue money and things rather than our Destiny. However, if you pursue your Destiny the money and things will come.

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